Meet the Trifami members part 1
Timo Sollo
Who is Timo? An experienced construction entrepreneur and innovator from the city of Hämeenlinna. The family consists of a wife, three adult children, an elder cat, and a grandchild. In addition to the family, leisure time is spent on a variety of sports, including roller skating, jogging, pilates, spinning, and open-air swimming.

Timo Sollo is an entrepreneur – the father of Trifami’s idea – whose construction companies and many projects get air under their wings, even though the general economic situation is challenging, and the industry as a whole is a bit tense. Is he a stubborn and calculating entrepreneur when he is able to clear his way further and further in his field from decades to next? Not at all, because success requires an approachable character who cares about all, as well as trust in oneself and others.
Timo believes that he has more influence as an entrepreneur than in any other role. “As an entrepreneur, I can work from the heart and be completely myself. Years and experience have provided opportunities for many things,” says Timo with a wide smile.
Goals, visions, and dreams are in the skies, and the work is done with a relaxed approach, as well as endless inspiration. Responsibility motivates Timo to always do his best: “leadership is a natural part of me. It needs to be boldly highlighted and not feared.” The company’s long story could have thousands of streams forming rivers and descending into the sea. The doors have been opened in many directions and are still being opened. It is Trifam’s vision for a new kind of construction concept that is ‘out of the box’ thinking at its best. “This concept is still a long way off, as it is sustainable for the future.”
Reetta-Maria Tolonen-Salo
Who is Reetta? An experienced real estate and construction entrepreneur from Hämeenlinna. Leisure time is filled with association activities, exercise, relaxing at home and spending time with the family.

When Timo Sollo called to ask for help in promoting his idea, Reetta Tolonen-Salo promised to help and asked for Harri Hildén. That’s how she is – a well-known expert in the construction industry and real estate investment in Hämeenlinna, an unifier of people, an enabler of ideas and always ready to help others move forward.
Recycled concrete took Reetta’s interest quickly as it went: the help quickly expanded into a partnership when Reetta said she was doing Trifami related work excitedly to late at night. “I was looking for a start-up in the construction industry to invest in and this was such a damn good idea that I was thinking about going now!” Reetta laughs.
Reetta describes her role in Trifam as the “voice of arrangement”. She is enthusiastic about new ideas, but also slows down the pace of progress as needed, and makes sure that the project is progressing systematically and that the foundation, funding, and practices are in place before reaching out to the stars. Northern strength of mind pushes the things and liabilities to the finish line. “Open honesty and directness is important in achieving goals,” Reetta sums up.
Reetta is an entrepreneur to spirit and blood. At Trifami, Reetta is especially inspired by the opportunity to create a new one, to develop the frozen construction industry in a more ecological direction and to turn construction waste into a business.
Harri Hildén
Who is Harri? One of Trifami’s three founding members. Extensive experience in management consulting, financing arrangements and growth companies. In his free time, he enjoys activities with family, dachshund, football (You’ll never walk alone!) And motorcycling.

When Harri Hildén heard about the idea of developing solutions for the circular economy in construction, she got excited and jumped in to start a company. The circular economy had been of interest for a long time and under the surface there was an unreleased excitement. Now a great idea had been put to the table and the team had a great guys.
Harri is a start-up and innovation expert who has been involved in many various projects during his long career as an entrepreneur and has learned to distinguish grains from chaff. As a consultant, he has been involved in setting up, developing and supporting hundreds of companies in Finland and the Nordic countries: “I have always wanted to help others move forward, that is really the most important thing for me. At the same time, I am quite a tenacious, stubborn character and I believe in hard work. There must be courage and strong will. If you don’t succeed once, you have to try again. ”
To Trifami, Harri brings his expertise, experience in business planning and development, financing, internationalization and product development. From his extensive networks, valuable experts have been selected for the Trifami’s team and strong assets have been found. “Sometimes I may have been able to point in the right direction at times, showing that a certain door should be knocked on, and possibly it will open up to something great,” Harri smiles. “All the pieces are snapped in place. The company has great courage and will to move things forward. This is going to be a big deal.”